

作者:Petterson, Christina

Christina Petterson is Honorary Research Fellow at University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and Australian National University, Australia. She has published widely on the role of Christianity in social h...

作者:J. Young

  生活與旅行會話雙效合一    喝杯咖啡的時間也能練好英語      附MP3 QR Code    用手機掃瞄立即聽        看起來簡單,學起來也簡單!    今天起,就以輕鬆愉快的心情開始    一天3分鐘的情境英語!      #全部情境圖解,讓你一看就懂    從打招呼、加臉書好友、購物、在咖啡廳內點餐到旅行…等都用情境圖畫來表達,彷佛身歷其境,看圖秒懂,就能直覺地熟悉單字跟...


  奇幻文學的鼻祖、善與惡的經典戰爭   故事,由一枚足以掌控天下的魔戒開始說起……      英國文學家托爾金最著名的小說系列,   所寫的《魔戒》,是一部充滿矮人、精靈、騎士、巫師、半獸人、神仙等等的奇幻探險故事。五十多年來,《魔戒》澎湃壯麗的背景,奇特而豐富的人物,帶領了全世界奇幻(Fantasy)創作類型的發展及延伸。讀者所熟悉的飛龍、精靈、中土世界及國族歷史、魔法等等,全是受到《魔...


雙神戰役    不祥的神祇雙子誕生──女神殞落、惡魔騷動。 雙子間的戰爭,即將展開於人間! 世界頂端的貪婪化作泡沫,這世界將,不、再、有、神…… 《邪與血》最終精彩大結局,您千萬不能錯過!   斯邱尼恩與梵蒂岡的戰爭越演越烈。  然,神父等人還在猶豫是否要迎戰的同時,  卻從該隱口中聽到駭人的「真實」:  女神的死亡不是必然,是一樁令人髮指的謀殺案!  此時梵蒂岡為求得勝,  讓小隊喝下「神...

作者:Drobatz, Kenneth J.,Reineke, Erica,Costello, Merilee F.

作者:Locke, M. J.

LAURA J. MIXON, here writing as M. J. Locke, is an engineer in the American Southwest with a background in the energy industry. She is a graduate of the Clarion writing workshop and an instructor a...

作者:Birch, S. A./ Mackenzie, J. T./ Cruickshanks, G.

High Pasture Cave, located on the island of Skye, Scotland, occupies a liminal location on the very edge of a settlement and appears to have been a focus for specific and special activities. Its ex...

作者:Fox, J.,Haverty, Kevin

J. Fox and Kevin Haverty opened their first sustainable butcher shop--Hudson & Charles Local. Sustainable. Grass-fed Meats--on December 28, 2013 in NYC’s West Village. Their second location opened ...

作者:Johnstone, William W.,Johnstone, J. A.

William W. Johnstone is the USA Today and New York Times bestselling author of over 300 books, including Preacher, The Last Mountain Man, Luke Jensen Bounty Hunter, Flintlock, Savage Texas, Matt Je...

作者:Lockington, Mariama J.

Mariama J. Lockington is an adoptee, writer, and nonprofit educator. She has been telling stories and making her own books since the second grade, when she wore short-alls and flower leggings every...

作者:Lockington, Mariama J.

Mariama J. Lockington is an adoptee, writer, and nonprofit educator. She has been telling stories and making her own books since the second grade, when she wore short-alls and flower leggings every...


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作者:Conway, J. North

J. North Conway is the author of more than a dozen nonfiction books. His most recent book New England Rocks, published by Arcadia Publishing in 2017, examines the history, lore, legends and people ...



