
作者:Eric C. Hsu(徐艾瑞克)

【完整書名】孩子生了就來不及之新生兒醒眠之鑰的遺失The missing start key form the God’s / 過動症ADHD(多動症)、亞斯伯格症Aspergers Syndrome、自閉症Kanner Syndrome、過敏兒Allergy之肇因、預防、還原治療 / 100多年來全世界唯一解開世紀之謎症的一本書 / 教你從懷孕做起 / 優生學從配偶開始做起,百分百預防悲劇...

作者:Cannon, Lynn/ Kenworthy, Lauren, Ph.D./ Alexander, Katie C./ Wener, Monica Alder/ Anthony, Laura Gutermuth, Ph.D.

Now a complete multicomponent kit For students with executive function challenges, problems with flexibility and goal-directed behavior can be a major obstacle to success in school and in life. Wit...

作者:Hallahan, Daniel P./ Kauffman, James M./ Pullen, Paige C.

NOTE: Before purchasing, check with your instructor to ensure you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of the MyLab(TM) and Mastering(TM) platforms exist for each title, and registrations are...

作者:Galland, Leo/ Galland, Jonathan/ Molinari, Ariadna (TRN)/ Carranza, Andrea (TRN)

La soluci n definitiva para curar las alergias desde la ra z.Actualmente, millones de personas alrededor del mundo padecen alguna enfermedad al rgica. Este libro revolucionario revela que esta epid...

作者:Schaffner, Kenneth F.

Behaving presents an overview of the recent history and methodology of behavioral genetics and psychiatric genetics, informed by a philosophical perspective. Kenneth F. Schaffner addresses a wide r...

作者:Goroll, Allan H., M.D./ Mulley, Albert G., Jr., M.D.

Clinicians and students at all levels and in all primary care disciplines will benefit from the clear, practical, evidence-based writing and recommendations that address the full spectrum of clinic...

作者:Conway, Francine (EDT)

For many researchers, clinicians, teachers, patients, and family members, the discourse on ADHD has been occurring in silos. Traditional ADHD camps are organized primarily in terms of neurological ...

作者:Roadruck, Jeremy

Imagine your children coming to you, looking for ways to contribute to household chores, being more helpful and respectful to each other, and being responsible - all with minimal input or guidance ...

作者:Silverman, Wendy K./ Albano, Anne Marie

Companion Child and Parent Interviews are designed to help you diagnose children with emotional disorder, where anxiety is a prominent component. Problem behaviors and diagnoses include school refu...

作者:Silverman, Wendy K./ Albano, Anne Marie

Companion Child and Parent Interviews are designed to help you diagnose children with emotional disorder, where anxiety is a prominent component. Problem behaviors and diagnoses include school refu...

作者:Jongsma, Arthur E./ Nemeroff, Charles B./ Purselle, David C.

The Psychopharmacology Treatment Planner provides all theelements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatmentplans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party...

作者:Kendall, Philip C./ Braswell, Lauren

This accessible, informative book presents an approach that has been used successfully by thousands of clinicians to help children reduce impulsivity and improve their self-control. In-depth descri...


  當青少年或兒童知道他們有注意力不足方面的問題時(即注意力不足症──簡稱ADD,或注意力不足過動症──簡稱ADHD),他們會有很多疑問、懷疑、和恐懼。本書是由一位小兒科醫師及一位教育從事者共同撰寫、並針對兒童的需求與疑問的一本書。幫助孩子們認識自己並找到面對注意力不足/過動症的好方法。 本書特色   本書以兒童易於了解的語言寫成,並輔以簡單易懂的插畫,提供能用於他們的日常生活中之實際資訊...

作者:Schwartz, Arielle, Ph.D./ Knipe, Jim, Ph.d. (FRW)

Activating your mind and body in healing Complex PTSD -- a theaputic workbookThose affected by complex PTSD commonly feel as though there is something fundamentally wrong with them--that somewhere ...

作者:Spencer, Elizabeth Dupont/ DuPont, Robert L., M.D./ Dupont, Caroline M., M.D.

The up-to-date, practical guide for helping your child deal with anxiety Fear, worry, stomach pains, self-doubt-these are classic symptoms of anxiety in children. Using kid-friendly concepts and re...

