

  專攻疼痛的復健科醫師在診間最常聽到病人問:「為什麼我的疼痛不會好?」、 「為什麼那麼久還在發炎?」等問題。 甚至連有些醫師都有產生疑惑,「我明明把會痛的神經都治療了, 為什麼病人還是痛?」,因為不了解疼痛的複雜性、多樣性。   國內第一本完整呈現「PRP增生療法」全貌 完全解析肌肉╳骨骼╳神經╳運動╳營養╳情緒=肌骨疼痛全人治療百科     終結疼痛,再也不必仰賴止痛藥及開刀了! 一位曾...



作者:Wei, Nathan, M.d.

Available in both written as well as audio formats, The Book on PRP is an easy to understand "consumer's guide" to understanding how platelet-rich plasma is used to treat problems such as tendoniti...


After earning his medical degree at Milan University, Dr. Mario Goisis specialized in Maxillofacial Surgery. His field of clinical practice and research is Cosmetic Surgery. He is the founder and m...

作者:Hausauer, Amelia K., M.D./ Jones, Derek H., M.D.

State-of-the-art PRP and microneedling aesthetic procedures from internationally renowned expertsPlatelet rich plasma (PRP) and microneedling are two increasingly popular off-label modalities inten...

作者:Stewart, Peter (CON)/ Melvin, Jeremy (CON)/ Mullin, Stephen (CON)

Place & Home: The search for better housing is a timely consideration of the work of PRP Architects, one of the most successful housing practices in the world today. The book provides the first in-...

作者:Agarwal, Mudit,Muthunagai, R.,Sivasankary, R.

作者:Weisgal, Ted,Haun Prp, Martha J.

